• Happy 2025

    Tom’s Driving Academy is ready to start the New Year.

    We offer many programs and driving lessons for people of all ages.

    Please call our office or email  us at tomsdrivingacademy1@gmail.com to get the latest information.

  • Looking to hire good driving instructors

    We are excited to have so many students attending our Driver Education courses.

    Summer is always busy.

    Tom’s Driving Academy is look to hire great people with a desire to teach young people

    the art of staying alive on our roadways.

    Please contact us to get started, a new session begins this July 21st.

  • Free and Reduced lunch

    Another way we can help
    If your student is on free or reduced lunch at their school,
    we can give you a $75.00 reduction in your fee.
    Your student must enroll in the ODOT program for this reduction.

  • DMV teen page


    The link above takes you directly to the DMV teen page.

    This gives you all the information for receiving your license.

  • Waiving Final DMV drive test

    Any student ages 15-17 who successfully completes our ODOT approved program will be able to go take the certificate to the DMV and have their final on-road license test waived. We are excited to be among the few schools approved for this. The student will still need to fulfill the DMV requirements listed on the DMV webpage.

  • New Curriculum

    Tom’s Driving Academy is excited for the new curriculum we will be teaching this January 2014.

    This curriculum is interactive and much more exciting for the students.

    Many more exciting aspect of Driver Education will begin in January.

    Look for more posts to keep you updated.

  • Toms Driving Academy LLC Blog

    Welcome to Toms Driving Academy LLC Blog!